Here is my translation of an ancient prayer for this season from the Siddur of Sa’adia Gaon:
May the Lord Our God remember the covenant and the loving-kindness and the oath which He swore to our fathers on Mount Moriah, and may the binding with which Abraham our father bound Isaac his son on the altar appear before you, and may His mercies overcome to fulfill your desire. Yes, may Your mercies overcome Your anger and may Your great goodness turn away Your wrath from Your people Israel and Your inheritance, and fulfill for us, Lord Our God the word that you promised in Your Torah by the hand of Moses Your servant, “And I will remember My former covenant with them, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt before the eyes of the nations to be their God. I am the Lord.” Because You remember the things that are forgotten. You are from eternity and there is nothing forgotten before the throne of Your glory. And You will remember the binding of Isaac for his seed. Blessed are You O Lord, Who remembers the covenant.
Now, go blow that shofar.